Using the same Studio J kit makes it even easier to keep up with a month-by-month baby's milestones scrapbook.
Pattern: Sideline Surprise
Kit: Sophia
Babies grow and change so quickly! That's part of the reason we take so many photos of our little ones—we want to always remember that first smile (or was it just gas?), those enormous baby blue eyes with curly lashes, that special blankie (the only one that will do), and that first tooth peeking through drooly gums.
But being a new mom means having so little time for anything other than the “have-tos” in life. The flurry of burp cloths, diapers, and half-eaten jars of baby food takes over, leaving mamas with little time for recording those sweet, irreplaceable moments. Is baby content in his bouncer? Quick, Mom, hop in the shower! Who has time for anything else? But who can afford to forget those sweet coos and first toddling steps? Moms need a solution: a fast, easy way to capture the stories and photos.
Enter Studio J®. This program makes scrapbooking so quick and effortless, you can create a couple of layouts during baby’s naptime! And the best part about scrapbooking events as they happen is your memory is fresh with all the details—nothing is lost to time.
Pack in the pics! Check this out—nine photos in one scrapbook layout!
Pattern: Imagine: Stars Above
Kit: Sophia
Take a look at Jessica Booth’s darling Studio J layouts of her cute baby girl. Jessica recognizes how important it is to capture those memories right away, so she’s doing a month-by-month scrapbook of her baby’s milestones and progress. To make it easy and give continuity to her album, she’s using the Sophia kit for each layout. What a great idea! You can see more of Jessica’s Studio J layouts on her blog.
Make a goal of creating one or two baby layouts per month on Studio J. Years down the road (and as more babies come!), you'll be so glad you scrapbooked those memories while they were current.